My Jealous Mistress

By: Oakland Lawyer

Years ago, in merry Oregon, yours truly was a 1L.  That’s what they call law students/lawyer hopefuls. However, long before August 1995, I learned to love the law.

My original love of the law started with me and my Grandmother, known affectionately as Granny, watching Perry Mason.  Watching Perry Mason always made me feel like with someone who knew the law all could be righted and you could be saved from a horrible fate.

In some ways that is still true, in other ways I know it not to be the case.  This isn’t where I tell you the law, or its guardians, are perfect.  It’s here where I share information that I have collected mostly out of dedication and love for the law and my desire to perfect my craft by consuming voluminous information.

One of my 1L instructors warned us that The Law was a jealous mistress and required constant time, attention and devotion.  Initially, I didn’t understand but after 17½ years as a lawyer, I now know what he meant.  But I also know, it’s not just her, it’s falling in love with her, enjoying her company and being inspired by her, in good times and bad, and wanting to be at your best for her and those that she serves that takes up all your time.  At least is that’s what takes up mine.

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